Pothos GraphQL


SchemaBuilder is the core class of Pothos. It can be used to build types, and merge them into a graphql.js Schema.


  • typeParam: SchemaTypes: A type that describes the backing models for your schema
  • options: SchemaBuilderOptions


type SchemaTypes {
  // Shape of the context arg in your resolvers
  Context?: {};
  // A map of Object type names to their backing models.
  Objects?: {};
  // A map of Input type names to their backing models.
  Inputs?: {};
  // A map of Interface type names to their backing models.
  Interfaces?: {};
  // Map of scalar names to Input and Output shapes.  Can be used to overwrite default scalar types,
  // or to add type information for custom scalars
  Scalars?: {
    [s: string]: {
      Input: unknown;
      Output: unknown;
  // When provided, fields will be nullable by default (requires corresponding change in builder options)
  DefaultFieldNullability?: true;
  // When provided, input fields and arguments will be required by default (requires corresponding change in builder options)
  DefaultInputFieldRequiredness?: true;


type SchemaBuilderOptions = {};

By default there are no options for SchemaBuilder, but plugins may contribute additional options

queryType(options, fields?)

creates the Query with a set of Query fields

  • options: QueryTypeOptions
  • fields?: a function that receives a FieldBuilder, and returns an object of field names to field refs. See FieldBuilder for more details.


type QueryTypeOptions = {
  description?: string;
  fields: FieldsFunction;
  • description: A description of the current type
  • fields: a function that receives a FieldBuilder, and returns an object of field names to field refs. See FieldBuilder for more details.


add a set of fields to the Query type.

  • fields: a function that receives a FieldBuilder, and returns an object of field names to field refs. See FieldBuilder for more details.

queryField(name, field)

add a single field to the Query type.

  • name: the name of the field
  • field: a function that receives a FieldBuilder, and returns field ref. See FieldBuilder for more details.

mutationType(options, fields?)

creates the Mutation with a set of Mutation fields

  • options: MutationTypeOptions
  • fields?: a function that receives a FieldBuilder, and returns an object of field names to field refs. See FieldBuilder for more details.


type MutationTypeOptions = {
  description?: string;
  fields: FieldsFunction;
  • description: A description of the current type
  • fields: a function that receives a FieldBuilder, and returns an object of field names to field refs. See FieldBuilder for more details.


add a set of fields to the Mutation type.

  • fields: a function that receives a FieldBuilder, and returns an object of field names to field refs. See FieldBuilder for more details.

mutationField(name, field)

add a single field to the Mutation type.

  • name: the name of the field
  • field: a function that receives a FieldBuilder, and returns field ref. See FieldBuilder for more details.

subscriptionType(options, fields?)

creates the Subscription with a set of Subscription fields

  • options: SubscriptionTypeOptions
  • fields?: a function that receives a FieldBuilder, and returns an object of field names to field refs. See FieldBuilder for more details.


type SubscriptionTypeOptions = {
  description?: string;
  fields: FieldsFunction;
  • description: A description of the current type
  • fields: a function that receives a FieldBuilder, and returns an object of field names to field refs. See FieldBuilder for more details.


add a set of fields to the Subscription type.

  • fields: a function that receives a FieldBuilder, and returns an object of field names to field refs. See FieldBuilder for more details.

subscriptionField(name, field)

add a single field to the Subscription type.

  • name: the name of the field
  • field: a function that receives a FieldBuilder, and returns field ref. See FieldBuilder for more details.

objectType(param, options, fields?)

  • param: A key of the Objects property in SchemaTypes, a class, or a TypeRef created by builder.objectRef

  • options: ObjectTypeOptions

  • fields: a function that receives a FieldBuilder, and returns an object of field names to field refs. See FieldBuilder for more details.


type ObjectTypeOptions = {
  description?: string;
  fields: FieldsFunction;
  interfaces?: Interfaces;
  isTypeOf: (obj: InterfaceShape) => boolean;
  name?: string;
  • description: A description of the current type

  • fields: a function that receives a FieldBuilder, and returns an object of field names to field refs. See FieldBuilder for more details.

  • isTypeOf: Recomended when implementing interfaces. This is a method that will be used when determining if a value of an implemented interface is of the current type.

  • interfaces: an array of interfaces implemented by this interface type. Items in this array should be an interface param. See param argument of interfaceType

  • name: name of GraphQL type. Required when param is a class

objectFields(param, fields)

add a set of fields to the object type.

  • param: A key of the Objects property in SchemaTypes, a class, or a TypeRef created by builder.objectRef

  • fields: a function that receives a FieldBuilder, and returns an object of field names to field refs. See FieldBuilder for more details.

objectField(param, name, field)

add a single field to the object type.

  • name: the name of the field

  • param: A key of the Objects property in SchemaTypes, a class, or a TypeRef created by builder.objectRef

  • field: a function that receives a FieldBuilder, and returns field ref. See FieldBuilder for more details.


Creates a Ref object represent an object that has not been implemented. This can be useful for building certain types of plugins, or when building a modular schema where you don't want to define all types in SchemaTypes, or import the actual implementation of each object type you use.

  • name: string, name of the type that this ref represents. Can be overwritten when implemented.
  • T: a type param to define the backing shape for the type that this ref represents

interfaceType(param, options, fields?)

  • param: A key of the Interfaces property in SchemaTypes, a class, or a TypeRef created by builder.interfaceRef

  • options: InterfaceTypeOptions

  • fields: a function that receives a FieldBuilder, and returns an object of field names to field refs. See FieldBuilder for more details.


type InterfaceTypeOptions = {
  description?: string;
  fields: FieldsFunction;
  interfaces?: Interfaces;
  name?: string;
  • description: A description of the current type

  • fields: a function that receives a FieldBuilder, and returns an object of field names to field refs. See FieldBuilder for more details.

  • interfaces: an array of interfaces implemented by this interface type. Items in this array should be an interface param. See param argument of interfaceType

  • name: name of GraphQL type. Required when param is a class

interfaceFields(param, fields)

add a set of fields to the interface type.

  • param: A key of the Interfaces property in SchemaTypes, a class, or a TypeRef created by builder.interfaceRef

  • fields: a function that receives a FieldBuilder, and returns an object of field names to field refs. See FieldBuilder for more details.

interfaceField(paran, name, field)

add a single field to the interface type.

  • param: A key of the Interfaces property in SchemaTypes, a class, or a TypeRef created by builder.interfaceRef

  • name: the name of the field

  • field: a function that receives a FieldBuilder, and returns field ref. See FieldBuilder for more details.


Creates a Ref object represent an interface that has not been implemented. This can be useful for building certain types of plugins, or when building a modular schema where you don't want to define all types in SchemaTypes, or import the actual implementation of each interface type you use.

  • name: string, name of the type that this ref represents. Can be overwritten when implemented.
  • T: a type param to define the backing shape for the type that this ref represents

unionType(name, options)

  • name: A string
  • options: UnionTypeOptions


type UnionTypeOptions = {
  description?: string;
  types: Member[] | (() => Member[]);
  resolveType: (parent: UnionShape, context) => MaybePromise<GraphQLObjectType | TypeName>;
  • description: A description of the current type

  • types: an array of object types included in the union type. Items in this array should be Object params. See param argument in builder.objectType.

  • resolveType: A function called when resolving the type of a union value. parent will be a union of the backing models of the types provided in types. This function should return the name of one of the union member types.

enumType(param, options)

  • param: A string name of the enum or a typescript enum
  • options: EnumTypeOptions


type UnionTypeOptions = {
  description?: string;
  values?: Values;
  name?: striing;
  • description: A description of the current type

  • values: can be either an array of strings (you may need to use as const to get proper type names) or a GraphQLEnumValueConfigMap. values is only required when param is not an enum

  • name: required when param is an enum

addScalarType(name, scalar, options)

  • name: A key of the Interface property in SchemaTypes
  • scalar: A GraphQLScalar

scalarType(name, options)

  • name: A key of the Interface property in SchemaTypes
  • options: ScalarTypeOptions


description?: string;
// Serializes an internal value to include in a response.
serialize: GraphQLScalarSerializer<OutputShape>;
// Parses an externally provided value to use as an input.
parseValue?: GraphQLScalarValueParser<InputShape>;
// Parses an externally provided literal value to use as an input.
parseLiteral?: GraphQLScalarLiteralParser<InputShape>;
extensions?: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

inputType(param, options)

  • param: a string or InputRef created by builder.inputRef
  • options: InputTypeOptions


type InputTypeOptions = {
  description?: string;
  fields: InputShape;
  • description: A description of the current type
  • fields: a function that receives an InputFieldBuilder, and returns an object of field names to field definitions. See InputFieldBuilder for more details. If name is a key of the Input property in SchemaTypes, shape will show type errors for any fields that do not match the types provided in SchemaTypes.


Creates a Ref object represent an input object that has not been implemented. This can be useful for defining recursive input types, for building certain types of plugins, or when building a modular schema where you don't want to define all types in SchemaTypes, or import the actual implementation of each input type you use.

  • name: string, name of the type that this ref represents. Can be overwritten when implemented.
  • T: a type param to define the backing shape for the type that this ref represents


Creates an arguments object which can be used as the args option in a field definition.

  • fields: a function that receives an ArgBuilder, and returns an object of field names to field definitions. See ArgBuilder for more details.


Takes an array of types created by SchemaBuilder and returns a GraphQLSchema


SchemaBuilder.allowPluginReRegistration is a static boolean on the SchemaBuilder class that can be set to allow plugins to call registerPlugin multiple times. This is useful for hot-module reloading, but is false by default to catch any issues with duplicate versions of a plugin.